
Is It Effective? — Derma roller For Stretch Marks

Using derma roller for stretch marks is a promising and cost-effective cosmetic procedure that can improve the color, texture, width, and length of the stretch marks. Additionally, combining this treatment with topical products has proven to intensify the results.

What Causes Stretch Marks
Before we dive into micro-needling therapy and the basics of using a derma roller for stretch marks let’s take a closer look at these linear scars. As mentioned, stretch marks usually form after the excessive stretching of the skin like rapid weight gain. Once the skin is overstretched, the original collagen and elastin within the middle layer of the skin get damaged. As result, skin becomes thinner and visually looks like linear scar marks. The newly formed stretch marks typically have a red, pink, or purplish hue. As they mature, these red scars fade in color with time and become permanent.

There are two types of stretch marks:

Striae rubrae (immature marks) – red or pink-colored linear scar tissue that can be raised or flat. These are usually newly formed stretch marks (temporary stage), which respond better to treatments.

Striae alba (mature marks) – pale color faded scar tissue that appears to be wrinkled (permanent stage). These are considered old deep stretch marks and are more difficult to treat.

Usually, stretch marks don’t cause any physical discomfort, but in some severe cases, itching or burning sensation is possible. Another key point is that stretch marks are more common among women (70%). But man can get affected as well (40%). The development of stretch marks is not fully understood at this time, but it is attributed to the following factors:

Rapid change of weight (gain, loss, bodybuilding)
Some medical conditions (Marfan or Cushing’s syndrome, tuberculosis)
Drugs related side effects (prolonged use of topical steroids, antibiotics, chemo)
Genetic predisposition

Benefits Of Microneedling For Stretch Marks
Currently, there are many treatments and remedies that visibly diminish and improve the appearance of stretch marks. However, this aesthetic skin condition remains challenging as there is no treatment yet developed that would make stretch marks disappear completely. That being said, micro needling is one of the most promising procedures when it comes to reducing stretch marks.

Microneedling (aka percutaneous collagen induction therapy) is a skin resurfacing procedure. It utilizes microneedles to cause intentional controlled micro-injuries to the skin. And this skin damage triggers the skin’s natural healing process, promotes remodeling of existing collagen, stimulates new collagen production, elastin production, and promotes overall skin thickening. Moreover, this therapy has been proven to be effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, scars, and stretch marks.

In fact, several clinical studies found that using a derma roller is more effective and safer than microdermabrasion and lasers when it comes to stretch mark treatment. In addition, the studies also demonstrated that derma roller treatment promoted a larger increase in collagen production in comparison to IPL treatments.

All things considered, this minimally invasive procedure is safe for all skin types including dark skin complexion. In addition, it is a cost-effective skin treatment that can improve the color, texture, width, and length of the scars. Also, the side effects are minimal and may include spot bleeding, dry skin, sensitivity, or irritated skin.

Using Dermaroller For Stretch Marks

Out of all micro-needling devices, the derma roller is the most convenient one when it comes to the treatment of stretch marks and deep scars. In particular, the oversized derma rollers that are designed for the body are great for treating large skin areas with stretch marks. The head of these dermarollers is about three times wider than a regular dermaroller and can have between 1000 and 1700 needles.

As for the derma roller needle length, it is recommended to use 1mm-2mm dermarollers for stretch marks treatment, as shorter needles will not be effective. Please keep in mind that 2mm dermarollers require professional supervision, and should NOT be used as at-home treatment. For one thing, this needle length penetrates deeper layers of skin, and there are high concerns regarding safety and risk of infection.

When using dermaroller for stretch marks it is suggested to have at least 3-5 treatments with 3-4 weeks gap in between procedures for improvements to be visible. Additionally, topical anesthetic or numbing cream is necessary when using needle lengths of 1mm and longer, as the procedure can feel quite painful. Also, be aware that minor bleeding is common when using dermarollers with needles longer than 1mm.

Another key point is that micro needling also increases absorption of topical skincare products. That is to say, combining derma rolling with topical products for stretch marks can intensify the results.

Above all, please have realistic expectations, as all the existing treatments including dermarolling can only improve the appearance of scar tissue and stretch marks. You can expect improvement in color, uneven skin tone, skin texture, width, and length, but can’t get rid of stretch marks completely.